Կայքը գտնվում է նախագծման փուլում

Florol aqua 1l


1 ml contains 100 mg of florfenicol

Additional information

Antibacterial drug in oral form
used for the treatment of colibacillosis, salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, staphylococcus and other infectious diseases of pigs and birds.

User guide
Chickens up to 4 weeks old – 1 l of florol – 1000 l of water (20 mg per 1 kg of animal weight), 3 days.
Birds of other ages – 2 l of florol – 1000 l of water (20 mg per 1 kg of animal weight) for 3 days, in case of salmonellosis, the treatment is carried out for 5 days.
Pigs – 5 ml – per 100 kg or 0.05 ml per 1 kg of animal weight for 7 days.