Կայքը գտնվում է նախագծման փուլում

LTF-130 10 doses


Curative and preventive vaccine for trichophytosis of cattle LTF-130.

The price available on the website corresponds to the price of 1 serving

Additional information

The vaccine is introduced intramuscularly, in the thigh area. Before injection, it is necessary to depilate the area and treat it with 70 degree alcohol solution.

For prophylactic purposes, animals are vaccinated with the following doses
Calves 1 to 4 months 1 cm3
Calves from 5 to 8 months 1.5 cm3
Calves over 8 months 2 cm3.

The vaccine is injected twice with an interval of 10-14 days.
For therapeutic purposes, LTF-130 vaccine is introduced in a double dose.