1 ml contains 100 mg of albendazole, 4 mg of ivermectin, 1.08 mg of sodium selenate, 2.5 mg of cobalt sulfate, 1.2 mg of zinc sulfate and excipients.
Albaver is used for deworming of farm animals and birds for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
1. Monesiosis, pulmonary and gastrointestinal nematodes of cattle.
2. Treatment and prevention of parascaridosis of horses.
3. Monesis of sheep, goats, pulmonary and gastrointestinal nematodosis, chronic fasciolosis and dicroceliosis.
4. Ascaridosis and esophagostomosis of pigs.
5. Ascaridosis and heterokidosis of birds.
6. Fight against ectoparasites.
The drug is introduced into the body in the form of internal administration (drinking), 1 ml per 20 kg of live weight.
When used in accordance with these instructions, side effects or complications are not observed.